Parts Tab - By RO Lines Screen

Use this screen to create parts documents and manage the parts process in a workfile. This view is ordered by the estimate lines in the repair order. Columns in the By RO Lines and Related Documents panes can be sorted and moved within the pane. Values in this screen cannot be edited.

Description of fields in the By RO Lines pane

Field Label Description
Summary (Views pane) Select this option to view the summary pane for part documents in the repair order workfile.
By Document Type (Views pane) Select this option to view a list of part documents ordered by document type that have been created.
By Vendor (Views pane) Select this option to view a list of part documents ordered by vendor that have been created.
By RO Lines (Views pane) Select this option to view a list of part documents ordered by repair order part lines. The Summary, By Document Type, and By Vendor views are not visible when viewing this screen.
New Purchase Order Use this button to create a purchase order. The New Purchase Order screen opens.
New Invoice The New Invoice screen opens. Use this button to create an invoice.
New Parts Return The New Parts Return screen opens. Use this button to create a parts return.
New Partial Credit The New Partial Credit screen opens. Use this button to create a partial credit.
Print Report printing options include printing the Summary, By Document Type and By Vendor, and By RO Lines reports.
Print Preview Report print preview options include viewing the Summary, By Document Type and By Vendor, and By RO Lines reports.
Line This is the line number from the estimate. This field cannot be edited.
Part Number This part number comes from the estimate. This field cannot be edited.
Description The part line description comes from the estimate. This field cannot be edited.
Type The selected part type from the estimate source is displayed in this field. The part type can be changed by selecting a different one from the droplist. This option is disabled once the invoice has been saved.
List Price $ This value is the price from the estimate line.
Cost $ This value is the invoice cost amount.
RO Qty The number of parts from the estimate line item.
Ordered Qty The part quantity ordered taken from the purchase order.
Received Qty This value comes from the invoice document.
Returned Qty This value comes from the credit memo document.
Backordered A backorder icon is displayed for this estimate line to indicate the part is backordered.
Set Backorder (mini-toolbar) Use this option on an estimate line to indicate the part is backordered.
Remove Backorder (mini-toolbar) Use this option on an estimate line to remove backorder.

Description of fields in the Related Documents pane

Field Label Description
Critical Items with a red icon in this column indicates a credit memo is pending. This column can be sorted and moved within the pane.
Document The type of document is displayed in this column. This column can be sorted and moved within the pane.
Number This value is the document number.

This indicates the date the document was created.

Status The document status is displayed in this column.
Vendor Name This is the vendor selected in the document.
(contact card icon) Mouse over this icon to display a tooltip containing the vendor phone number and address information.
Required The date in this field comes if the purchase order Required By date was entered.
Expected The date in this field comes if the purchase order Expect Delivery Date was entered.
Total Parts This is the quantity total for the document.
Total $ This value is the document total dollar amount.
View (mini-tool bar) Select this option to open the selected document.
Edit (mini-toolbar) Select this option to edit the selected document.
Acknowledge (mini-tool bar) Select this option to acknowledge a pending credit memo.
Void (mini-tool bar) Select this option to mark the selected document Void.
Print (mini-tool bar) This option prints the selected document.


Workfile - Parts Tab

See Also

Purchase Orders


Credit Memos







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